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Текущие сайты

URL веб-сайта: http://www.masterfulshopper.com
URL веб-сайта: http://www.elitepersonalshopper.com/
URL веб-сайта: http://www.safegamehub.com
Ниши: games, family friendly
SafeGameHub.com is designed to offer members a safe, ad-free, family friendly place to play flash games online. This moderated community allows members to comment on games, select their own favorites, and even upload their own games! In a day and age where the internet is saturated with spyware and virus' and adult content, adults and children need a place to go for entertainment without fear or hassles. Safe Game Hub is the "Safe Place to Play Online" - Features over 2100 Flash Games and grows every month to include more games! Top players are ranked and earn points the more they play!
Safe House Arcade
URL веб-сайта: http://www.safehousearcade.com/
Safe Game Harbor
URL веб-сайта: http://www.safegameharbor.com